
Elder Sign End Times Trilogy Book One: Arkham【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Stanfield ]





<p>This book was edited by Dr. M. Ficaj Editing, www.drmficajacademicediting.com/Pages/contactus.aspx. Many thanks to Margaret Ficaj for her invaluable editing skills.</p> <p>Five years ago the monstrous god Cthulhu awoke from his slumber under the sea, sending most of the world into madness. In the aftermath, terrifying creatures entered into our world, a cult of human-sacrificing Cthulhu worshippers emerged, and humanity has struggled desperately to survive. Saeko, Dell, and Kelsea are three such survivors, young adults who have lived in the underground bunker of Arkham since they were fourteen. As a new threat closes in on Arkham, these three must race to combat it and save their home and families.<br/>This horror story features no love triangles and no brooding monster men drawn to frail damsels in distress. The protagonists are in a fight for their lives against monsters that kill and sometimes eat people. If you enjoy an adventure with monsters and ethical dilemmas, this book is for you. It is the first in a trilogy inspired by the works of classic horror author H.P. Lovecraft, but you don't have to be familiar with his works to enjoy it. If you are, however, you may enjoy finding elements of The Shadow Over Innsmouth, The Lurking Fear, The Unnameable, and more in this book.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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