
Kindness Helps the Heart Grow Stronger: The Story of One Man’s Existence in a Sometimes Weary World【電子書籍】[ Thomas C. Stuhr ]





<p>In a world that is sometimes grim and rather weary, Barry Lambert, age 37, is one person that chooses to rise above the negative aspects that his life presents. Set in Southern New Mexico, this thoughtful story is one of passion, insight and kindness.<br /> Come gaze into the life and simplistic beauty of one individual who understands that life for him, is truly about giving back. Barry is the type of man who enjoys being helpful and displaying compassion to his fellow human beings, as he navigates through life. Barry is able to realize at his young age, just how important it is to have true friends and to enable others to dream and to embrace the world around them.<br /> Barry, is a man who has had to deal with a lot of pain in his young life; both physically and emotionally. This story is about how he relates to his pain and rises above it. Barry chooses to deliver love rather than hate to others. He chooses to accept his own faults and limitations and stay focused on being a small impact of positivity and kindness to other people that he meets.<br /> For Barry, actions speak louder than words. He goes about each day determined not to let the physical pain he experiences in his daily life, dictate how he interacts with the people in this world.<br /> This story will help to inspire the reader about how strong the human condition can be and how enduring the human soul is.<br /> So come join Barry Lambert on his one-man crusade and in his understanding that attitude is one thing in life that cannot be taken from him. The attitude to look towards the silver lining in life, to appreciate the good in each day, to experience a fulfilling life and keep his principles along the way.<br /> This world can definitely benefit from more compassion, further love and an overflowing amount of kindness. The more Barry’s in this world the better. This a must read and one that will engage, entertain and leave a lasting impression on the reader.<br /> This is the author’s fourth publication.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:111円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)

